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Successful Communication Is the Key to a Good Candidate Experience

When applying for a job, Jasmina Fettah, a Trades graduate, noticed that not all companies invest in communication with candidates during the recruitment process. How can communication with candidates be improved and why is it so important? Tommi Siro, founder and Chief Operating Officer at Jobilla, interviewed Fettah on the subject.

What things have frustrated you in your job search?

Fear of failure, long and slow recruitment processes, and doubting one's own skills were frustrating in the application process. However, when I started looking for a job I knew that a good attitude was important to be able to deal with negative responses, so that also helped me to cope.

What could companies do to make the job search as comfortable as possible for candidates?

The most important thing is to invest in communication with the candidate. I once applied for a job where my education and skills were a good match, but I still didn't get a response from the company by the deadline. After that, I tried calling and emailing the recruiter but got no response. Finally, I received a reply from the company more than a month after the deadline. The response was a short, stuttering 'you were not selected' message. My trust in the company was completely lost because they didn't even apologize, even though the reply was so late. I also felt that the applicant was left hanging loose when no response came for so long.

How could companies make the application process easier?

At the very least, not having to duplicate work would make it a lot easier. It is frustrating to upload a CV and application letter into the system, and then have to type the exact same information into the system's application form. It would be better if just sending the CV and the application letter was enough.

What good experiences do you have with recruitment processes?

I once applied for an interesting job for which my skills were a good match. I decided to put a lot of effort into the application and, after a few weeks, I received a message that I had not been selected. I then contacted the company and asked for feedback on my application. The next day, I received good feedback from the HR manager with ideas for improvement and, at the same time, he wished me good luck in my job search. It made me feel that the place really cared about applicants. As a result, I also made a public post on LinkedIn praising the company for a good candidate experience.

How much time did it take you to do a traditional job search and how many places did you apply to?

I actively applied to many different places, but I can't say the exact number.

How many out of ten companies gave you a plus in the recruitment process?

Seven out of ten companies got a plus and the rest got a minus. The most important thing is that the communication with the candidates is well managed and the recruitment process is smooth.

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